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- /* X and O Board Demo of AWNPipe: gui image handling.
- This script demonstrates how to define, use, and replace button images.
- The image file is only loaded once when the first button is created.
- The other buttons reuse the previous BUTTON bitmap since no file name is
- given. Image definitions use image buffer 0 since this is where the
- rootbitmap for buttons is stored. */
- /* define the gui*/
- call setup()
- do while 1 /* forever*/
- /* reset board logic*/
- winner=0
- do i=2 for 11
- key.i=0
- end
- /*open the gui*/
- call open(ca,'awnpipe:/xc')
- call writeln(ca,gui'open')
- /*Main loop finishes with a leave command*/
- /*i counts the number of moves made.*/
- i=0
- do while 1
- /* start event stream */
- call writeln(ca,'con')
- /* read an event and parse it*/
- in=readln(ca)
- parse value in with in1 in2 in3
- /* quit if windw is closed*/
- if in1='close' then exit
- /* handle gadget hits*/
- if in1='gadget' then do
- /*restart gadget...leave the main loop (back to forever loop)*/
- if in2=13 then leave
- /* rest are board buttons ignore if we have a winner*/
- else if winner=0 then do
- call make(in2)
- /*no need to check for a winner before 5 moves*/
- if i>4 then call checkwin()
- /* have we used all the spaces and not got a winner ?*/
- if ((i>8)&(winner=0)) then do
- /* set windw title and add restart button*/
- winner=3
- call writeln(ca,'id 0 s 8 gt "Nobody Wins!"')
- writeln(ca,'define Button gt "Restart Game"')
- writeln(ca,'ref')
- end
- end
- end
- end
- /*close the gui , then loop back for new game */
- call close(ca)
- end
- exit/* we should never get to here...*/
- make:
- i=i+1
- /* make an x or o image and set board logic*/
- if bittst(i,0) then call makex(arg(1))
- else call makeo(arg(1))
- /* set the image in the proper button and disable button*/
- call writeln(ca,'id 'arg(1)' ni 0 ro 1')
- return(0)
- makex:
- /* make an image and set board logic*/
- call writeln(ca,'define bitmap trans anim 0|0|70|51|0|0|0 ' )
- key.in2=1
- return(0)
- makeo:
- /* make an image and set board logic*/
- call writeln(ca,'define bitmap trans anim 74|0|70|51|0|0|0 ' )
- key.in2=10
- return(0)
- checkwin:
- if key.7~=0 then do
- if ((key.7= key.6 & key.7=key.8) |(key.7= key.3 & key.7=key.11 ) | (key.7= key.2 & key.7=key.12 ) | (key.7= key.4 & key.7=key.10)) then call win(7)
- end
- if key.2~=0 then do
- if ((key.2= key.3 & key.2=key.4) | (key.2= key.6 & key.2=key.10)) then call win(2)
- end
- if key.12~=0 then do
- if ((key.12= key.11 & key.12=key.10) | (key.12= key.4 & key.12=key.8)) then call win(12)
- end
- return
- win:
- parse arg winner
- /*set windw title to show winner*/
- if key.winner=1 then call writeln(ca,'id 0 s 8 gt "X Wins!"')
- else call writeln(ca,'id 0 s 8 gt "O Wins!"')
- writeln(ca,'define Button gt "Restart Game"')
- writeln(ca,'ref')
- return(1)
- setup:
- /* layouts have a Gadget ID so the buttons are
- 2 | 3| 4
- --------
- 6 | 7| 8
- --------
- 10|11|12
- restart is 13 when added*/
- /* easy layout control*/
- le='le'||'0a'x
- lo='layout b 0'||'0a'x
- /* windw definition sets quiet flag since we know what our GIDs will be*/
- /* modify is turned on so we can modify the GUI*/
- gui='" X and O Demo" cg dg db v m q fw fh'||'0a'x
- /* first button loads an image (reused by all other graphics)*/
- gui=gui||lo||'button b 0 trans fn "xo.gif" anim 150|0|70|51|0|0|0'||'0a'x
- /*a blank button, verticle, and horizontal line*/
- blank='button b 0 trans anim 150|0|70|51|0|0|0'||'0a'x
- vertline='bitmap part 71|0|3|51|0|0|0'||'0a'x||'image'||'0a'x
- horzline='bitmap part 0|52|216|3|0|0|0'||'0a'x||'image'||'0a'x
- /*build the rest of the board*/
- gui=gui||vertline||blank||vertline||blank||le||horzline
- gui=gui||lo||blank||vertline||blank||vertline||blank||le||horzline
- gui=gui||lo||blank||vertline||blank||vertline||blank||le
- return